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Scheduling the CRM Data & Email Subscription - RS


To create a Scheduled delivery:

1.       Click Report Scheduler (by default the link for “Report Scheduler” appears in Settings; however an administrator can modify the areas that display this entity through “Customize the system” option)

2.       Click New button from the Ribbon section.

3.       In the New form specify the values (Refer to the table below) and click “Save”






By-default this will be auto-generated.

To manually over-ride this with custom text, uncheck “Auto-Update Name”


Multi-line text for user reference


Select Entity

Select the Entity that needs scheduling from the drop-down list


Select View

Select the View that needs scheduling from the drop-down list

View can be System or Personal (Shared views are not supported. The owner of Personal view needs to be the user scheduling the record)

Validate View button

Validates the selected view. This is optional step.



By-default this will be the user scheduling the report. Only Users with RS Admin security role can modify this field.

Report Scheduler runs under the context of the owner when fetching the data

Date-Time Format

Formats all the Date-Time columns in the report based on the format selected.


Group By

Groups a selected set of rows based on the Column selected in GroupBy1 and GroupBy2



Add Totaling to Currency or Numeric column


Birthday/Anniversary reminders


Please check the box to add Birthday/Anniversary reminder

Please note that Grouping does not work with Birthday / Anniversary reminder.

Select Column

This would be the Birthday or Anniversary column from view

Please ensure that the Birthday or Anniversary column is present in the View

Next X days

number of days in advance of Birthday/Anniversary to be reminded


Include Intermediate Day’s

This checkbox works in combination with “Next X Days” setting. If you have set “Next X days” as 3 and also checked “Include Intermediate days” then you will receive all Contacts who’s Birthday fall in next 3 days… otherwise only those contacts whose Birthday falls exactly 3 days from the time report was run.



Recurring Schedule

Weekly / Monthly


Schedule – Day / Month

Select the day’s


Schedule – Time

Select the Time from drop-down.

Report Scheduler runs in the Time-Zone of the Owner of the record.

****TIP: Please note that report scheduler ignores the minutes in the time part. To run any report instantly, select the scheduled time as the current hour. Please note that any change in scheduled day/days or time will result in re-trigger of report scheduler workflow.

Delivery Options


Attachment formats: CSV, TXT, HTML

Kindly note that CSV/TXT output has some known issues. Please refer section “known issues” for more details.


Data is sent in the body of the email

Mobile Friendly J

Include Direct Link

Email will include a direct link to the record in CRM


Do not send email if record count is 0

If the view does not return any record then email will not be sent


Recipient Option

1. Enter recipient email below (TO)

2. Multi-User Scheduling

For option 1: enter “;” separated email id’s in To, CC or BCC.

For option 2: refer section 2.10 Multi-User Scheduling of single report

From (optional)

CRM User whose email address will be used as the “From” of the email generated (Please note that this user {From Recipient} needs to have checkbox “Allow other Microsoft Dynamics CRM Users to send email on your behalf” set. This setting is available in personal options under email tab.)

By default “Outgoing Email Owner” will be used as the “From” of the email generated

Recipient Details


By default To field has the primary email of the user creating the record


By-default this will be auto-generated.

User can manually over-ride this with custom text

Email Template (optional)

Select the Email Template to be used. For more details please refer section: Customizing the Email template

By default “Email Template” selected in the Configuration page will be used.


Text entered in this field will go in the email body